Source code for botorch.models.relevance_pursuit

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# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
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Relevance Pursuit model structure and optimization routines for the sparse optimization
of Gaussian process hyper-parameters, see [Ament2024pursuit]_ for details.


.. [Ament2024pursuit]
    S. Ament, E. Santorella, D. Eriksson, B. Letham, M. Balandat, and E. Bakshy.
    Robust Gaussian Processes via Relevance Pursuit. Advances in Neural Information
    Processing Systems 37, 2024. Arxiv:

from __future__ import annotations

import math

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, cast, Optional
from warnings import warn

import torch
from import fit_gpytorch_mll
from botorch.models.model import Model
from gpytorch.mlls.exact_marginal_log_likelihood import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter

MLL_ITER = 10_000  # let's take convergence seriously
MLL_TOL = 1e-8

[docs] class RelevancePursuitMixin(ABC): """Mixin class to convert between the sparse and dense representations of the relevance pursuit models' sparse parameters, as well as to compute the generalized support acquisition and support deletion criteria. """ dim: int # the total number of features _support: list[int] # indices of the features in the support, subset of range(dim) def __init__( self, dim: int, support: list[int] | None, ) -> None: """Constructor for the RelevancePursuitMixin class. For details, see [Ament2024pursuit]_ or Args: dim: The total number of features. support: The indices of the features in the support, subset of range(dim). """ self.dim = dim self._support = support if support is not None else [] # Assumption: sparse_parameter is initialized in sparse representation self._is_sparse = True self._expansion_modifier = None self._contraction_modifier = None @property @abstractmethod def sparse_parameter(self) -> Parameter: """The sparse parameter, required to have a single indexing dimension.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_sparse_parameter(self, value: Parameter) -> None: """Sets the sparse parameter. NOTE: We can't use the property setter @sparse_parameter.setter because of the special way PyTorch treats Parameter types, including custom setters that bypass the @property setters before the latter are called. """ pass # pragma: no cover
@staticmethod def _from_model(model: Model) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Retrieves a RelevancePursuitMixin from a model.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @property def is_sparse(self) -> bool: # Do we need to differentiate between a full support sparse representation and # a full support dense representation? The order the of the indices could be # different, unless we keep them sorted. return self._is_sparse @property def support(self) -> list[int]: """The indices of the active parameters.""" return self._support @property def is_active(self) -> Tensor: """A Boolean Tensor of length `dim`, indicating which of the `dim` indices of `self.sparse_parameter` are in the support, i.e. active.""" is_active = [(i in for i in range(self.dim)] return torch.tensor( is_active, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.sparse_parameter.device ) @property def inactive_indices(self) -> Tensor: """An integral Tensor of length `dim - len(support)`, indicating which of the indices of `self.sparse_parameter` are not in the support, i.e. inactive.""" device = self.sparse_parameter.device return torch.arange(self.dim, device=device)[~self.is_active]
[docs] def to_sparse(self) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Converts the sparse parameter to its sparse (< dim) representation. Returns: The current object in its sparse representation. """ if not self.is_sparse: self.set_sparse_parameter( torch.nn.Parameter(self.sparse_parameter[]) ) self._is_sparse = True return self
[docs] def to_dense(self) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Converts the sparse parameter to its dense, length-`dim` representation. Returns: The current object in its dense representation. """ if self.is_sparse: dtype = self.sparse_parameter.dtype device = self.sparse_parameter.device zero = torch.tensor( 0.0, dtype=dtype, device=device, ) dense_parameter = [ ( self.sparse_parameter[] if i in else zero ) for i in range(self.dim) ] dense_parameter = torch.tensor(dense_parameter, dtype=dtype, device=device) self.set_sparse_parameter(torch.nn.Parameter(dense_parameter)) self._is_sparse = False return self
[docs] def expand_support(self, indices: list[int]) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Expands the support by a number of indices. Args: indices: A list of indices of `self.sparse_parameter` to add to the support. Returns: The current object, updated with the expanded support. """ for i in indices: if i in raise ValueError(f"Feature {i} already in the support.") # we need to add the parameter in the sparse representation if self.is_sparse: self.set_sparse_parameter( torch.nn.Parameter( ( self.sparse_parameter, torch.zeros(len(indices)).to(self.sparse_parameter), ) ) ) ) return self
[docs] def contract_support(self, indices: list[int]) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Contracts the support by a number of indices. Args: indices: A list of indices of `self.sparse_parameter` to remove from the support. Returns: The current object, updated with the contracted support. """ # indices into the sparse representation of features to *keep* sparse_indices = list(range(len( original_support = copy( for i in indices: if i not in raise ValueError(f"Feature {i} is not in support.") sparse_indices.remove(original_support.index(i)) # we need to remove the parameter in the sparse representation if self.is_sparse: self.set_sparse_parameter(Parameter(self.sparse_parameter[sparse_indices])) else: requires_grad = self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad_(False) self.sparse_parameter[indices] = 0.0 self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad_(requires_grad) # restore return self
# support initialization helpers
[docs] def full_support(self) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Initializes the RelevancePursuitMixin with a full, size-`dim` support. Returns: The current object with full support in the dense representation. """ self.expand_support([i for i in range(self.dim) if i not in]) self.to_dense() # no reason to be sparse with full support return self
[docs] def remove_support(self) -> RelevancePursuitMixin: """Initializes the RelevancePursuitMixin with an empty, size-zero support. Returns: The current object with empty support, representation unchanged. """ self._support = [] requires_grad = self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad if self.is_sparse: self.set_sparse_parameter( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([]).to(self.sparse_parameter)) ) else: self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad_(False) self.sparse_parameter[:] = 0.0 self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad_(requires_grad) return self
# the following two methods are the only ones that are specific to the marginal # likelihood optimization problem
[docs] def support_expansion( self, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood, n: int = 1, modifier: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] | None = None, ) -> bool: """Computes the indices of the features that maximize the gradient of the sparse parameter and that are not already in the support, and subsequently expands the support to include the features if their gradient is positive. Args: mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. NOTE: Virtually all of the rest of the code is not specific to the marginal likelihood optimization, so we could generalize this to work with any objective. n: The number of features to select. modifier: A function that modifies the gradient of the inactive parameters before computing the support expansion criterion. This can be used to select the maximum gradient magnitude for real-valued parameters whose gradients are not non-negative, using modifier = torch.abs. Returns: True if the support was expanded, False otherwise. """ # can't expand if the support is already full, or if n is non-positive if len( == self.dim or n <= 0: return False g = self.expansion_objective(mll) modifier = modifier if modifier is not None else self._expansion_modifier if modifier is not None: g = modifier(g) # support is already removed from consideration # gradient of the support parameters is not necessarily zero, # even for a converged solution in the presence of constraints. # NOTE: these indices are relative to self.inactive_indices. indices = g.argsort(descending=True)[:n] indices = indices[g[indices] > 0] if indices.numel() == 0: # no indices with positive gradient return False self.expand_support(self.inactive_indices[indices].tolist()) return True
[docs] def expansion_objective(self, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood) -> Tensor: """Computes an objective value for all the inactive parameters, i.e. self.sparse_parameter[~self.is_active] since we can't add already active parameters to the support. This value will be used to select the parameters. Args: mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. Returns: The expansion objective value for all the inactive parameters. """ return self._sparse_parameter_gradient(mll)
def _sparse_parameter_gradient(self, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood) -> Tensor: """Computes the gradient of the marginal likelihood with respect to the sparse parameter. Args: mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. Returns: The gradient of the marginal likelihood with respect to the inactive sparse parameters. """ # evaluate gradient of the sparse parameter is_sparse = self.is_sparse # in order to restore the original representation self.to_dense() # need the parameter in its dense parameterization requires_grad = self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad_(True) if self.sparse_parameter.grad is not None: self.sparse_parameter.grad.zero_() mll.train() # NOTE: this changes model.train_inputs model = mll.model X, Y = model.train_inputs[0], model.train_targets cast( Tensor, mll( mll.model(X), Y, *(model.transform_inputs(X=t_in) for t_in in model.train_inputs), ), ).backward() # evaluation self.sparse_parameter.requires_grad_(requires_grad) g = self.sparse_parameter.grad if g is None: raise ValueError( "The gradient of the sparse_parameter is None, most likely " "because the passed marginal likelihood is not a function of the " "sparse_parameter." ) if is_sparse: self.to_sparse() return g[~self.is_active] # only need the inactive parameters
[docs] def support_contraction( self, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood, n: int = 1, modifier: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] | None = None, ) -> bool: """Computes the indices of the features that have the smallest coefficients, and subsequently contracts the exlude the features. Args: mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. NOTE: Virtually all of the rest of the code is not specific to the marginal likelihood optimization, so we could generalize this to work with any objective. n: The number of features to select for removal. modifier: A function that modifies the parameter values before computing the support contraction criterion. Returns: True if the support was expanded, False otherwise. """ # can't expand if the support is already empty, or if n is non-positive if len( == 0 or n <= 0: return False is_sparse = self.is_sparse self.to_sparse() x = self.sparse_parameter modifier = modifier if modifier is not None else self._contraction_modifier if modifier is not None: x = modifier(x) # for non-negative parameters, could break ties at zero # based on derivative sparse_indices = x.argsort(descending=False)[:n] indices = [[i] for i in sparse_indices] self.contract_support(indices) if not is_sparse: self.to_dense() return True
[docs] def optimize_mll( self, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood, model_trace: list[Model] | None = None, reset_parameters: bool = RESET_PARAMETERS, reset_dense_parameters: bool = RESET_PARAMETERS, optimizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ): """Optimizes the marginal likelihood. Args: mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. model_trace: If not None, a list to which a deepcopy of the model state is appended. NOTE This operation is *in place*. reset_parameters: If True, initializes the sparse parameter to the all-zeros vector before every marginal likelihood optimization step. If False, the optimization is warm-started with the previous iteration's parameters. reset_dense_parameters: If True, re-initializes the dense parameters, e.g. other GP hyper-parameters that are *not* part of the Relevance Pursuit module, to the initial values provided by their associated constraints. optimizer_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments for the optimizer. Returns: The marginal likelihood after optimization. """ if reset_parameters: # this might be beneficial because the parameters can # end up at a constraint boundary, which can anecdotally make # it more difficult to move the newly added parameters. # should we only do this after expansion? with torch.no_grad(): self.sparse_parameter.zero_() if reset_dense_parameters: initialize_dense_parameters(mll.model) # move to sparse representation for optimization # NOTE: this function should never force the dense representation, because some # models might never need it, and it would be inefficient. self.to_sparse() fit_gpytorch_mll(mll, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs) if model_trace is not None: # need to record the full model here, rather than just the sparse parameter # since other hyper-parameters are co-adapted to the sparse parameter. model_trace.append(deepcopy(mll.model)) return mll
# Optimization Algorithms
[docs] def forward_relevance_pursuit( sparse_module: RelevancePursuitMixin, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood, sparsity_levels: list[int] | None = None, optimizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, reset_parameters: bool = RESET_PARAMETERS, reset_dense_parameters: bool = RESET_PARAMETERS, record_model_trace: bool = True, initial_support: list[int] | None = None, ) -> tuple[RelevancePursuitMixin, Optional[list[Model]]]: """Forward Relevance Pursuit. NOTE: For the robust `SparseOutlierNoise` model of [Ament2024pursuit]_, the forward algorithm is generally faster than the backward algorithm, particularly when the maximum sparsity level is small, but it leads to less robust results when the number of outliers is large. For details, see [Ament2024pursuit]_ or Example: >>> base_noise = HomoskedasticNoise( >>> noise_constraint=NonTransformedInterval( >>> 1e-5, 1e-1, initial_value=1e-3 >>> ) >>> ) >>> likelihood = SparseOutlierGaussianLikelihood( >>> base_noise=base_noise, >>> dim=X.shape[0], >>> ) >>> model = SingleTaskGP(train_X=X, train_Y=Y, likelihood=likelihood) >>> mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model) >>> # NOTE: `likelihood.noise_covar` is the `RelevancePursuitMixin` >>> sparse_module = likelihood.noise_covar >>> sparse_module, model_trace = forward_relevance_pursuit(sparse_module, mll) Args: sparse_module: The relevance pursuit module. mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. sparsity_levels: The sparsity levels to expand the support to. optimizer_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer. By default, initializes the "options" sub-dictionary with `maxiter` and `ftol`, `gtol` values, unless specified. reset_parameters: If true, initializes the sparse parameter to the all zeros after each iteration. reset_dense_parameters: If true, re-initializes the dense parameters, e.g. other GP hyper-parameters that are *not* part of the Relevance Pursuit module, to the initial values provided by their associated constraints. record_model_trace: If true, records the model state after every iteration. initial_support: The support with which to initialize the sparse module. By default, the support is initialized to the empty set. Returns: The relevance pursuit module after forward relevance pursuit optimization, and a list of models with different supports that were optimized. """ sparse_module.remove_support() if initial_support is not None: sparse_module.expand_support(initial_support) if sparsity_levels is None: sparsity_levels = list(range(len(, sparse_module.dim + 1)) # since this is the forward algorithm, potential sparsity levels # must be in increasing order and unique. sparsity_levels = list(set(sparsity_levels)) sparsity_levels.sort(reverse=False) optimizer_kwargs = _initialize_optimizer_kwargs(optimizer_kwargs) model_trace = [] if record_model_trace else None def optimize_mll(mll): return sparse_module.optimize_mll( mll=mll, model_trace=model_trace, reset_parameters=reset_parameters, reset_dense_parameters=reset_dense_parameters, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, ) # if sparsity levels contains the initial support, remove it if sparsity_levels[0] == len( sparsity_levels.pop(0) optimize_mll(mll) # initial optimization for sparsity in sparsity_levels: support_size = len( num_expand = sparsity - support_size expanded = sparse_module.support_expansion(mll=mll, n=num_expand) if not expanded: # stationary support warn( "Terminating optimization because the expansion from sparsity " f"{support_size} to {sparsity} was unsuccessful, usually due to " "reaching a stationary point of the marginal likelihood.", Warning, stacklevel=2, ) break optimize_mll(mll) # re-optimize support return sparse_module, model_trace
[docs] def backward_relevance_pursuit( sparse_module: RelevancePursuitMixin, mll: ExactMarginalLogLikelihood, sparsity_levels: list[int] | None = None, optimizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, reset_parameters: bool = RESET_PARAMETERS, reset_dense_parameters: bool = RESET_PARAMETERS, record_model_trace: bool = True, initial_support: list[int] | None = None, ) -> tuple[RelevancePursuitMixin, Optional[list[Model]]]: """Backward Relevance Pursuit. NOTE: For the robust `SparseOutlierNoise` model of [Ament2024pursuit]_, the backward algorithm generally leads to more robust results than the forward algorithm, especially when the number of outliers is large, but is more expensive unless the support is contracted by more than one in each iteration. For details, see [Ament2024pursuit]_ or Example: >>> base_noise = HomoskedasticNoise( >>> noise_constraint=NonTransformedInterval( >>> 1e-5, 1e-1, initial_value=1e-3 >>> ) >>> ) >>> likelihood = SparseOutlierGaussianLikelihood( >>> base_noise=base_noise, >>> dim=X.shape[0], >>> ) >>> model = SingleTaskGP(train_X=X, train_Y=Y, likelihood=likelihood) >>> mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model) >>> # NOTE: `likelihood.noise_covar` is the `RelevancePursuitMixin` >>> sparse_module = likelihood.noise_covar >>> sparse_module, model_trace = backward_relevance_pursuit(sparse_module, mll) Args: sparse_module: The relevance pursuit module. mll: The marginal likelihood, containing the model to optimize. sparsity_levels: The sparsity levels to expand the support to. optimizer_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer. By default, initializes the "options" sub-dictionary with `maxiter` and `ftol`, `gtol` values, unless specified. reset_parameters: If true, initializes the sparse parameter to the all zeros after each iteration. reset_dense_parameters: If true, re-initializes the dense parameters, e.g. other GP hyper-parameters that are *not* part of the Relevance Pursuit module, to the initial values provided by their associated constraints. record_model_trace: If true, records the model state after every iteration. initial_support: The support with which to initialize the sparse module. By default, the support is initialized to the full set. Returns: The relevance pursuit module after forward relevance pursuit optimization, and a list of models with different supports that were optimized. """ if initial_support is not None: sparse_module.remove_support() sparse_module.expand_support(initial_support) else: sparse_module.full_support() if sparsity_levels is None: sparsity_levels = list(range(len( + 1)) # since this is the backward algorithm, potential sparsity levels # must be in decreasing order, unique, and less than the initial support. sparsity_levels = list(set(sparsity_levels)) sparsity_levels.sort(reverse=True) optimizer_kwargs = _initialize_optimizer_kwargs(optimizer_kwargs) model_trace = [] if record_model_trace else None def optimize_mll(mll): return sparse_module.optimize_mll( mll=mll, model_trace=model_trace, reset_parameters=reset_parameters, reset_dense_parameters=reset_dense_parameters, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, ) # if sparsity levels contains the initial support, remove it if sparsity_levels[0] == len( sparsity_levels.pop(0) optimize_mll(mll) # initial optimization for sparsity in sparsity_levels: support_size = len( num_contract = support_size - sparsity contracted = sparse_module.support_contraction(mll=mll, n=num_contract) if not contracted: # stationary support warn( "Terminating optimization because the contraction from sparsity " f"{support_size} to {sparsity} was unsuccessful.", Warning, stacklevel=2, ) break optimize_mll(mll) # re-optimize support return sparse_module, model_trace
# Bayesian Model Comparison
[docs] def get_posterior_over_support( rp_class: type[RelevancePursuitMixin], model_trace: list[Model], log_support_prior: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] | None = None, prior_mean_of_support: float | None = None, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Computes the posterior distribution over a list of models. Assumes we are storing both likelihood and GP model in the model_trace. Example: >>> likelihood = SparseOutlierGaussianLikelihood( >>> base_noise=base_noise, >>> dim=X.shape[0], >>> ) >>> model = SingleTaskGP(train_X=X, train_Y=Y, likelihood=likelihood) >>> mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model) >>> # NOTE: `likelihood.noise_covar` is the `RelevancePursuitMixin` >>> sparse_module = likelihood.noise_covar >>> sparse_module, model_trace = backward_relevance_pursuit(sparse_module, mll) >>> # NOTE: SparseOutlierNoise is the type of `sparse_module` >>> support_size, bmc_probabilities = get_posterior_over_support( >>> SparseOutlierNoise, model_trace, prior_mean_of_support=2.0 >>> ) Args: rp_class: The relevance pursuit class to use for computing the support size. This is used to get the RelevancePursuitMixin from the Model via the static method `_from_model`. We could generalize this and let the user pass this getter instead. model_trace: A list of models with different support sizes, usually generated with relevance_pursuit. log_support_prior: Callable that computes the log prior probability of a support size. If None, uses a default exponential prior with a mean specified by `prior_mean_of_support`. prior_mean_of_support: A mean value for the default exponential prior distribution over the support size. Ignored if `log_support_prior` is passed. Returns: A tensor of posterior marginal likelihoods, one for each model in the trace. """ if log_support_prior is None: if prior_mean_of_support is None: raise ValueError( "`log_support_prior` and `prior_mean_of_support` cannot both be None." ) log_support_prior = partial(_exp_log_pdf, mean=prior_mean_of_support) log_support_prior = cast(Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], log_support_prior) def log_prior( model: Model, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: sparse_module = rp_class._from_model(model) num_support = torch.tensor( len(, dtype=dtype, device=device ) return num_support, log_support_prior(num_support) # pyre-ignore[29] log_mll_trace = [] log_prior_trace = [] support_size_trace = [] for model in model_trace: mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood=model.likelihood, model=model) mll.train() X, Y = mll.model.train_inputs[0], mll.model.train_targets F = mll.model(X) mll_i = cast(Tensor, mll(F, Y, X)) log_mll_trace.append(mll_i) support_size, log_prior_i = log_prior( model, dtype=mll_i.dtype, device=mll_i.device, ) support_size_trace.append(support_size) log_prior_trace.append(log_prior_i) log_mll_trace = torch.stack(log_mll_trace) log_prior_trace = torch.stack(log_prior_trace) support_size_trace = torch.stack(support_size_trace) unnormalized_posterior_trace = log_mll_trace + log_prior_trace evidence = unnormalized_posterior_trace.logsumexp(dim=-1) posterior_probabilities = (unnormalized_posterior_trace - evidence).exp() return support_size_trace, posterior_probabilities
def _exp_log_pdf(x: Tensor, mean: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Compute the exponential log probability density. Args: x: A tensor of values. mean: A tensor of means. Returns: A tensor of log probabilities. """ return -x / mean - math.log(mean)
[docs] def initialize_dense_parameters(model: Model) -> tuple[Model, dict[str, Any]]: """Sets the dense parameters of a model to their initial values. Infers initial values from the constraints, if no initial values are provided. If a parameter does not have a constraint, it is initialized to zero. Args: model: The model to initialize. Returns: The re-initialized model, and a dictionary of initial values. """ constraints = dict(model.named_constraints()) parameters = dict(model.named_parameters()) initial_values = { n: getattr(constraints.get(n + "_constraint", None), "_initial_value", None) for n in parameters } lower_bounds = { n: getattr( constraints.get(n + "_constraint", None), "lower_bound", torch.tensor(-torch.inf), ) for n in parameters } upper_bounds = { n: getattr( constraints.get(n + "_constraint", None), "upper_bound", torch.tensor(torch.inf), ) for n in parameters } for name, value in initial_values.items(): initial_values[name] = _get_initial_value( value=value, lower=lower_bounds[name], upper=upper_bounds[name], ) # the initial values need to be converted to the transformed space for n, v in initial_values.items(): c = constraints.get(n + "_constraint", None) # convert the constraint into the latent space if c is not None: initial_values[n] = c.inverse_transform(v) model.initialize(**initial_values) parameters = dict(model.named_parameters()) return model, initial_values
def _get_initial_value(value: Tensor, lower: Tensor, upper: Tensor) -> Tensor: # if no initial value is provided, or the initial value is outside the bounds, # use a rule-based initialization. if value is None or not ((lower <= value) and (value <= upper)): if upper.isinf(): value = 0.0 if lower.isinf() else lower + 1 elif lower.isinf(): # implies u[n] is finite value = upper - 1 else: # both are finite # generally keep the value close to the lower bound in this case, # since many parameters (e.g. lengthscales) exhibit vanishing gradients # for large values. value = lower + torch.minimum( torch.ones_like(lower), (upper - lower) / 2, ) return torch.as_tensor(value, dtype=lower.dtype, device=lower.device) def _initialize_optimizer_kwargs( optimizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Initializes the optimizer kwargs with default values if they are not provided. Args: optimizer_kwargs: The optimizer kwargs to initialize. Returns: The initialized optimizer kwargs. """ if optimizer_kwargs is None: optimizer_kwargs = {} if optimizer_kwargs.get("options") is None: optimizer_kwargs["options"] = {} options = optimizer_kwargs["options"] if "maxiter" not in options: options.update({"maxiter": MLL_ITER}) if ("ftol" not in options) and ("gtol" not in options): options.update({"ftol": MLL_TOL}) options.update({"gtol": MLL_TOL}) return optimizer_kwargs